“You walk into what you think is a regular solo show…
you immediately realize this was not the evening you expected.”
SUGARCOATED is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization.*
SUGARCOATED is an autobiographical late (late) coming-of-age story about Jen: a romantic daydreamer who absolutely should have known she was queer by the time she was 8 years old. Through stories both mortifying and hilarious, Jen takes the audience through the big 'almosts': her first kiss (a girl!), her first heartbreak (a boy who looked like a lesbian!), and her fervent love for Girl Scout Camp.
On the brink of coming out in college, Jen grapples with societal booby traps of womanhood and sexuality, shaving away bit by bit of her essence and knowing until she is a husk of her former self. 20 years later, only the catharsis of a global emergency can bring her crashing back to life, in full color--rediscovering herself, and finally experiencing the glitter, champagne bubbles, and sweet cake of queerness that she knew was inside her all along.
“...the real hook of Sugarcoated came from the nuance of deep generational trauma...
Ponton carries these themes throughout the show in a way that doesn’t feel heavy-handed, leaving the audience grieving her losses, and celebrating her wins. “”
Upcoming Shows
NYC Premiere - The Flea Theatre - February 2025
“We were there with her, living this experience as she described it so well, as her friends. “”
*Contributions for the charitable purposes of SUGARCOATED must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.